Insta Analytics: followers tracker+

Professional, powerful and accurate followers analytics for Instagram! With Insta Analytics, you can see who unfollow you, who isn't following you back and more!

IG Unfollowers tracker - How it works?

Please read the description of Insta Analytics functions to provide you with the most clear conditions for using the app. Note that we work exclusively with publicly available data and with your profile data if you are authorized in our app. All data you will find in the app you can also get by yourself using Instagram, but we provide you with the ability to get all statistics automatically.

Your data is fully protected and will never be shared with third parties.

Followers Gained

This feature allows you to track new users who follow your profile. You can see the new followers by logging into our app to track the dynamics of the growth of followers on your profile. By logging in to our app, you authorize us to process your data, which allows you to work with the popular social network more efficiently.

We will start receiving this data only after you log in to the app, so initially the data in this section will be zero. As soon as someone follows you after authorization, you will see this data in the Followers Gained section.

Followers Lost

This feature allows you to see who has unsubscribed from your profile. Our algorithm compares the number of your subscribers at the time of authorization (and then subsequent updates of information when entering the app) with current numbers, identifying those users who are no longer included in the list of the previous data update. You will see these users in the Followers Lost section. The first data will appear as soon as someone unsubscribes from you after authorization in our app.

Active Followers

In this section, you can see a list of the most active users on your profile (based on likes and comments). These are the most engaged subscribers who support your content. The data in this section will be displayed after your authorization in our application, as soon as we analyze your profile. Using this section, you can determine the target audience for which your content works best and build a further strategy for working with subscribers.

Who likes your posts, but not follow you

This section displays users who have interacted with your profile through likes/comments, but are not following you. The data in this profile will be displayed immediately after your authorization in the application, as soon as we analyze the data.

Followers not following me back

This function displays those users who are not following you in response (you are a follower of the user, but he is not). This feature allows you to work with mutual followings, and identify those who are interested in your profile as well as you are interested in the profile of this user. This will allow you to build a strategy for working with your profile and a tool for attracting new subscribers through mutual followings. The data in this section will be displayed immediately after logging in to Insta Analytics.

Followers I don't follow back

This function is intended to determine those users who follow you without your mutual following in return. Thanks to this option, you will be able to identify your “true followers” who are really interested in your content and make a further plan to increase this kind of users engaged in your profile if your goal is to increase the number of subscribers. The data of this section will also be received by you immediately after authorization in the app.

If you have any additional questions about how our features work, please contact our support team: